Ibland kan EN kyss misstolkas

En favorit i repris,

My reaction to your yesterday sms is a mix of surprise and disappointment. 

My clear interpretation of your message is that you want to take a quick distance from me for some reasons and a sms is an easy way out. 
It is disappointing to read that you find me a very nice person but you do not want to meet me and keeping a friendship. Do you really think I can believe to these childish stories at my age? I hope not.
Please do not get me wrong, we do not know each other and there is absolutely nothing among ourselves. I find you a very attractive lady, not only physically but from an overall point of view. You transmitted me harmony in a unique combination of physical and mental touch. I also feel that you have been attracted by me, probably physically only.

My outmost disappointment for you sms is the lack of basic respect for somebody who gave you respect.
As I said, it is your good right to find some better guy having a good party time at Lipp on Saturday night or to change your mind about me for whatever reason during a Sunday hang over.

If you like to play the “Sex and the City” role of independent and irresistible lady you are more than free to do it; let me just express you my disappointment as I had a first better impression of you and that I believe that show respect for the other persons is not a weakness.

Postat av: Miss Lee

Tänk bara på att du själv förmodligen är rätt så förstörd. Försök att minnas hur det var när du var yngre, innan du blev så besviken på livet och på män som har lurat dig.

Tänk på hur det hade varit om du inte hade varit ute i svängen så mycket som du har utan kanske bara var en nyskiljd, i dig själv lycklig dam som verkligen ville satsa på någon ny. Sådana finns också! Folk utan murar och utan misstänksamhet.

Därmed inte sagt att just denna variant av man verkar helt galen! Var du glad för att det inte gick längre än till 1 kyss. Man vågar ju inte tänka på hur hans känslor hade utvecklats om det gått längre. Blä!

2011-08-17 @ 00:10:04

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