
Så kul med lite heta citat ifrån serien.

Throw some money at the problem and lets go

Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them.

I like to have my money where I can see them - In the closet"

You can't swing a Fendi purse without knocking out five losers - Samantha


Samantha när Carrie berättar att hon är otrogen mot Ian med Mr Big.
Carrie: Aren't you going to judge me ?
Samantha: Not my style honey.

Samantha är bäst!! Eller Sam ang blowjobs."They don't call it a job for nothing!"

No one wants to f**k grandma´s pus*y...
när samantha hade hittat gråa hårstrån nertill och färgat det orange och hennes förklaring till Carrie är detta

I'm dating a guy with the funkiest tasting spunk

Samanthas "i'm trysexuell, i'll try everything once"

" She's not lesbian, she just ran out of men"

I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it.


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